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Donations are tax deductible.


For donations up to 200 euros, simple evidence (e.g. bank statement) is accepted by the tax office. For donations over 200 euros, please use the donation form or enter your address on the transfer slip in the intended use field. We will be happy to send you a donation receipt.


Donation for Ofarin
We need your data to issue a donation receipt
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Credit card.png

donation account


DE85 7905 0000 0360 1044 18


Sparkasse Mainfranken Würzburg

The organization is recognized by the tax office Würzburg as a non-profit organisation

Donation for Ofarin without giving name or email:

Attention, no donation receipt possible as we do not receive any contact details from you

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Credit card.png

You can also donate to OFARIN through the Better Place aid organization. The donor (not OFARIN) pays fees to Better Place for this. The donor can freely change these fees. Better Place does a lot for OFARIN and issues donation receipts, for example. Better Place does not share your email address with OFARIN. If you would like further information (eg monthly newsletters) from us, please provide OFARIN with your email address!

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